Northborough Parish Council

Your Parish Council is the closest tier of local government to you.

This site enables you to catch up on how your Parish Council is serving you. It includes all the minutes of Parish Council meetings . If there is anything that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you, then please contact us

On this page you can subscribe to our email updates to receive the latest news, agendas and minutes of meetings straight to your Inbox.  There are also direct links to the latest posts (including draft minutes of recent meetings) and a calendar of upcoming meetings on the right hand side of this page.

The voice of local people

There is one Parish Councillor vacancy.  If you think that the following statements apply to you then please contact the clerk to find out more about becoming a local councillor at Northborough:

  • You’re interested in local issues and the things that affect the lives of people living in your community.
  • You have an understanding and willingness to represent the views of the whole community.
  • You’re keen to improve the local environment and quality of life for the residents of the village.
  • You’re over 18, live and/or work within 3 miles of the parish.


Volunteers – if you have a little time to spare, why not get involved with our projects by contacting us at


All members of the public are entitled to attend council meetings and are cordially invited to do so.  Time is set aside at the start of each meeting for public comments about any item on the Agenda.

Each Agenda will be posted on notice boards and this website
